Thursday, August 17, 2006

A week that has lasted a lifetime

Here she is! Christina Isabel Falconer....

.... born 7 lbs 13 oz on 10th August 2006 ....

.... mummy and daddy both exhausted ....

.... but very proud and happy ....

.... here's what she arrived in - the fabulous home birthing pool, which helped bring her out in record time for a first baby: the midwife recorded a delivery time of 2 hours and 5 minutes! What an amazing experience! And the pool will make a great kiddies paddling pool (when half inflated) in a couple of years! The baby sling is also proving a big hit.

And finally, proving what a water baby she really is - this pic was taken tonight (17th Aug) - a week old and having her first bath. What you don't see is the expression of utter horror accompanied by blood-curdling cries that followed shortly after! But we're her parents, we can put up with anything now!

Many thanks to everyone for your kind wishes, phone calls, emails, cards and gifts - we appreciate it so much. As they say, nothing can prepare you for parenthood, and the support we've had has really helped us through.